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Posts by The Fop

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  • Jill Biden: Americans Will Choose ‘Good’ Biden Over ‘Evil’ Trump

    05/29/2024 12:57:46 PM PDT · 26 of 32
    The Fop to Sam Gamgee

    That be the ruling class that Isaiah is referring to.

    Those who seek positions of high status will go along with corruption in order to enrich and protect themselves.

    And the higher the percentage of the population there is that work for large institutions, as opposed to small businesses, the easier it is for the ruling class to bribe and threaten the populace.

    So keep sending your kids to college so they can become White collar wage slaves to all the powerful institutions who speak and march in lock step with each other, and seek to destroy all economic independence.

  • Pixar is laying off 14% of its workforce as Disney scales back content

    05/25/2024 12:23:41 PM PDT · 11 of 28
    The Fop to DarrellZero

    In the 80’s/90’s, the ruling class had the media, Hollywood, the music and fashion industries, as well as the universities, all pushing the Gay rights narrative, but with a certain level of restraint, in order to appear less extreme and threatening.

    At the same time, the politicians, government agencies, corporations, public schools, sports leagues, and churches were instructed to keep their distance from the Gay rights stuff, in order to give the appearance of neutrality.

    But over the better part of the last 10 years, all of the latter institutions have joined the former institutions in going full bore on the most extreme elements of the LGBT movement. Particularly transgenderism..... A word that literally was not part of anyone’s vocabulary 20 years ago, and was invented by ivy league academics, at the behest of their wealthy benefactors.

    All of this was planned in advance, with the intention of rolling it all out incrementally, as they patiently waited for more and more socially conservative geezers to die off, and for more and more young people to be indoctrinated.

    And it was always the wealthy and powerful who were behind it all. Anyone who thinks that the LGBT movement was started by a bunch of disgruntled homosexuals in Greenwich Village, and that it’s only become so popular because everybody else eventually got pressured into pandering to it, are completely missing the plot.

    The wealthiest most powerful people in the Western ruling class are God hating Satanists. They have spent well over 100 years pushing secularism and the worship of science and technology to the masses. Slowly and incrementally pushing us away from religion and family, and towards both libidinous hedonism and a childish fascination with stupid frivolous modern gadgets....which in the process of making our lives easier, also make us softer, lazier, and dumber.

    We now live in the new theocracy of Baphomet. And the most frustrating thing is how most people who opposed to this, are, nevertheless, still willing to debate issues like transgenderism within the narrow parameters set by the ruling class.

    We hear lame arguments from the likes of Riley Gaines, such as “be whoever you want to be...identify as a woman, if that makes you happy... but it’s unfair for athletes with physical advantages to compete against women”.

    Instead the argument, should be pretty much everything that I mentioned above in the first five paragraphs of this post. But unfortunately, even the smart ones among us are only interested in a little bit of politics to go with their morning coffee. And lack both the curiosity and the courage to peel back the layers of the rotted onion.

    And a big part of that is the fact that they still believe the myth of America and the Anglosphere being the “leader of the free world”. When we have actually allowed our demonic ruling class to turn us into the Great Satan.

  • Jerry Seinfeld Slams 'Extreme Left, PC Crap' for Ruining Comedy

    04/29/2024 2:48:22 PM PDT · 49 of 52
    The Fop to Navy Patriot

    And Mel Brooks says Blazing Saddles could never get made today either. Well screw him and Seinfeld too. Clueless idiots!

    This isn’t about not wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings. This is the actual theocracy that they’ve been building for decades...a Satanic theocracy that turns God’s truths on their head and foments chaos and division....while fooling all the idiot secularists that the religious Christians were the ones who were on the verge of turning America into a theocracy.

    Back in the 20s and 30s there were religious Christians who called jazz devil music and thought Hollywood movies.. featuring the likes of Garbo and Valentino..were too sensual and provocative.

    Yet somehow these Christian crusaders were not able to prevent the progression 20 years later to Marilyn Monroe.. Brigitte Bardot and Elvis Presley. Nor were they able to prevent the progression 20 years after that to KISS and Linda Lovelace.

    Yet it was in the late 70’s that we were first told that the religious right were right on the verge of bringing back chastity belts. And you know why so many people believed them? Because the Boomers were a captive audience for hating on all the squares with old fashioned values. It was easy to convince them that their mere existence posed a threat.

    But even in the late 70s, there was no gay marriage, the word transgender had not been invented yet, barely anyone had tattoos, people bought dogs for their children, instead of buying dogs to replace children, and most businesses were closed on Christmas and Easter.

    Yet after an entire century of being unable to stem the tide of cultural permissiveness and decadence, the likes of Rob Reiner and James Carville assure us that those Christian Nationalists are closer than ever to enforcing this Christian theocracy that Time and Newsweek were first warning us about 50 years ago.

    Which brings us back to Mel Brooks and Jerry Seinfeld. No doubt both of these liberals went along with all of that propaganda. To the point that they don’t even recognize the actual theocracy that prevents Blazing Saddles from being made today. For 2 very funny guys, they are completely blind deaf and dumb to the world around them.

  • Brazile: Supreme Court Close to Election Interference, ‘Justice Delayed Is Democracy Denied’

    04/28/2024 1:10:55 PM PDT · 29 of 32
    The Fop to ChicagoConservative27

    Which Mockingbird media outlet does Donna work for these days? I stopped watching all of them.

    FreeRepublic is the closest I come to a Centrist news outlet....Everything else I read or watch is to the right of this place...that’s filled with crusty, polite and well meaning jabbed up geezers....who still think a Romney or a McCain is still a damn sight better than any Dem 🤣

  • Health Canada confirms Pfizer ‘chose not to’ inform them about DNA in COVID jabs

    04/27/2024 2:07:44 PM PDT · 21 of 30
    The Fop to Flaming Conservative

    Yeah yeah....I know the line....”you want to catch it early”. It’s the mantra of the whole preventative medicine scammers. They’d all be working at McDonald’s if everyone ignored them.

    I eat healthy, exercise, watch my weight, look both ways before crossing the street, and have faith that God won’t take me before it’s my time. I also have zero fear of death.

    I don’t need these medical fortune tellers to give me piece of mind about my immediate medical future.

  • Health Canada confirms Pfizer ‘chose not to’ inform them about DNA in COVID jabs

    04/27/2024 12:28:07 PM PDT · 9 of 30
    The Fop to bitt

    I’m 62.....haven’t had health insurance or a check up in 8 years.....saved myself from throwing out at least $60,000 and counting for absolutely nothing

    Preventative medicine is the biggest scam in the world. The death jab is proof of this.

  • Bishop stabbed by Islamic terrorist speaks out against Australia's global censorship demands

    04/26/2024 4:07:31 PM PDT · 6 of 6
    The Fop to Twotone

    America is the Great Satan.....ruled by the Coburg-Saxe-Gotha cabal since 9/14/1901..... Canada and Australia are it’s little brothers

    The promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism in the Anglosphere is 10 times more evil than anything going on in any other part of the world..... Not to mention our politicians purposely bankrupting the country... and promoting and rewarding lawlessness.....and demanding censorship for “incorrect” thoughts

    But hey.....we’re still the “good guys”....right? And without America freedom would not exist anywhere....right? And even the worst Republican politician is still much much better than any Democrat...right?

    Stupid suckers....go get another COVID booster while you’re at it!

  • War on Women: Biden Regime Proudly Abolishes Title IX – Will Now Force Women to Allow Biological Men in Their Locker Rooms, On their Team Sports and in Their Bathrooms

    04/20/2024 3:10:30 PM PDT · 58 of 66
    The Fop to MinorityRepublican

    You’ll get no argument from me. I’m a reformed Islam hater who foolishly cheered on the War on Terror.

    In the same way that Leftists reach way back into American history to make the case that America is an inherently racist country, while ignoring all the valiant efforts that have been made to eradicate overt racism, and then using people’s wariness of young black males (due to the high percentages that commit violent crimes) to make the case that racism is still a serious problem....the same tactic is applied to Islam.

    Propagandists reach way back into Islamic history, and it’s brutally imperialistic Medieval period, while ignoring the fact that for several hundred years, the Muslim world was minding it’s own business. There were no modern day jihadis until the British showed up in the Middle East.

    Look at the history of Jewish Zionist settlers who came to Palestine when it was still controlled by the Ottoman Empire. Not only was there no violence against the Jews, but Arab leaders were praising the miracle in the desert that the Jews were creating, and urged poor people from all over the Muslim world to move there for a better life and all the job opportunities that were being created.

    Then the British show up and all the sudden you’ve got the birth of the Arab terrorist. Maybe the same wealthy and powerful people who are pushing degenerate woke garbage on Westerners have also been funding jihadis all these years in order to push the whole Islam vs the West narrative.

    The same British who plotted to blow up Europe to prevent Germany and Russia from building a railroad that would span Eurasia and go all the way down to Africa, threatening their shipping port based economic dominance. The same British that the Founding Fathers never wanted an alliance with.... an alliance that began the day McKinley was assassinated (by British agents) and the British puppet TR was installed (who conveniently built national parks where railroad tracks were supposed to be laid)

    So the combination of Islam’s violent past along with the modern jihadi is used to paint Islam as evil. Very clever and effective. Notice also how there was always a large Christian population in Muslim countries, who were left alone and had high dhimmi status, until recently. Maybe the Christians are being purged by well compensated jihadis to spur on anti Islamic sentiment by Western Christians?

    The reality is that people are the same all over. And that applies to religious people. Religious Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Jews all live a similar lifestyle. Centered around God and family. That’s what we should be focused on.

    But no. Instead we get “Muslims worship a demon...they are nothing at all like religious Christians”. The 72 virgins thing is also taken out of context. It’s 72 wives! Who of course will be virgins.

  • War on Women: Biden Regime Proudly Abolishes Title IX – Will Now Force Women to Allow Biological Men in Their Locker Rooms, On their Team Sports and in Their Bathrooms

    04/20/2024 1:58:38 PM PDT · 56 of 66
    The Fop to DesertRhino

    Women are far more like children than they are like men.....a society filled with weak men allows themselves to be ruled by corrupted women and unruly and disobedient children

    But feminism and LGBT rights are what make the West better!.....says the weak cuck Boomer/Gen X male with his institutional grey cubicle go grovel before your HR dominatrix like a good team member....those Healthcare benefits are certainly worth it!

  • War on Women: Biden Regime Proudly Abolishes Title IX – Will Now Force Women to Allow Biological Men in Their Locker Rooms, On their Team Sports and in Their Bathrooms

    04/20/2024 1:47:38 PM PDT · 55 of 66
    The Fop to Stosh

    At least they’ll have more time to study about the evil patriarchy

  • You’re on your own: Dems want to send Trump to prison without Secret Service protection

    04/19/2024 2:16:24 PM PDT · 47 of 86
    The Fop to Organic Panic

    How quaint that you still think there’s a difference between the 2 parties.

    GOP and Dems would be partying together like the Red Sox locker room after they finally broke the curse of the Bambino.

  • BREAKING: 3 Major Explosions Reported in Isfahan, Iran Where Iranian Nuclear Facilities are Located – US Official Blames Israel for the Attacks

    04/18/2024 10:41:39 PM PDT · 24 of 78
    The Fop to frank ballenger

    When it comes to “vicious”, the Iranians are amateurs compared to the demonic Western ruling class.

    Government sponsored celebration of drag queens and other assorted sexual freaks and the sexualization of small children in public schools makes forcing women to wear burqas seem as quaint and refreshing as a Rodgers & Hammerstein musical.

    Look in the mirror. We really are the Great Satan. Not the American people, but our leaders. They truly are the most corrupt and duplicitous of all. They cloak themselves in the skin of our history and tradition of freedom and industriousness while unleashing sheer hell on the American people and plenty of the rest of the world.

    Our leaders are far far worse than any of the foreign boogeyman they instruct us to fear.

    I’ll take PEWWWW-TINN over any of the rat finks in any of the decomposed chambers of our hallowed halls of Federal governance. He seems to like his own people and his country’s traditions a lot better than the satanic pedophillic arsonists running this 5 alarm dumpster fire.

  • BREAKING: 3 Major Explosions Reported in Isfahan, Iran Where Iranian Nuclear Facilities are Located – US Official Blames Israel for the Attacks

    04/18/2024 10:14:32 PM PDT · 14 of 78
    The Fop to bitt

    Last time Trump ran for reelection they launched a bio weapon on us....shut down society....wouldn’t let doctors prescribe a cheap effective cure....unleashed race riots....and after they stole the election they strong armed a weak stupid and cowardly population into injecting themselves with poison

    This time around nothing short of WWIII will do

  • @realchrisrufo | Katherine Maher says that she abandoned a "free and open" internet as the mission of Wikipedia, because those principles recapitulated a "white male Westernized construct"

    04/18/2024 10:02:15 PM PDT · 40 of 45
    The Fop to marktwain

    I’m kind of liking this trend of repeat violent black & brown bodied felons clocking Blue city white women in the face.....white savior knockout might just become my favorite new spectator sport

  • Kennedy Family Members Snub RFK Jr. with Powerful Endorsement of Joe Biden: 'A Vote to Save Our Democracy'

    04/18/2024 1:28:06 PM PDT · 30 of 47
    The Fop to DallasBiff

    Two outsiders running against a Uniparty loyalist.....definitely a big threat to our formerly soft, now hard, dictatorial regime

  • Outrage in Iran After Woman Whipped for Refusing to Wear Hijab

    04/11/2024 3:07:48 PM PDT · 22 of 23
    The Fop to Flaming Conservative

    I wasn’t judging who God loves more or who is more righteous. I was giving my personal preference for a mate.

    As a Jew, I believe that all good people go to heaven, and those who perform mitzvahs that please God just ascend to a higher place in heaven. And since both the Christian Bible and Koran contain the Torah, I believe that Christians and Muslims are capable of ascending to a higher place as well.

    There are differing opinions about whether Muslims believe the same thing about who gets to heaven as Jews.

    As far as the Christian belief that everyone burns in hell except for Christians, I think this is both a flaw as well as a rallying call for people to embrace God.

    I view the idea of accepting Christ as a savior as a metaphor for not simply living your life for earthly pleasures and earthly minutiae. God wants us to ponder a higher purpose for our existence, and to see his hand in world events. So if Christ is God in the flesh, then accepting Christ as a savior is a way to bring God in your life to get to a higher place in the after life.

    But no, I don’t believe that billions of good people who believe in God, the Word of God, the afterlife, and the coming of a Messianic age will all burn in hell simply because they didn’t choose Christianity as their religion.

    And I believe that God purposely created different versions of His Word for different peoples, the same way he created different races, languages, and cultures. And in the End Times, all of these various prophecies will converge. Because God loves a good story just as much as people love a good story. That’s why God created us...because without the complexity of human emotion and intellect, there’s no story, just beautiful scenery. And God is the best story teller of all. So I fully expect lots of unexpected plot twists!

  • Bill Barr blasts Trump for call to kill FISA: ‘Crazy and reckless’

    04/11/2024 1:33:49 PM PDT · 64 of 78
    The Fop to Wuli

    Any Conservative who didn’t want the US to kick butt in the Middle East right after 9/11 2001. has no heart

    Any Conservative who still can’t see that 9/11 was an inside job... after the Deep State orchestrated St Floyd riots (with pallets of bricks conveniently and strategically placed on city streets)....the DoD’s COVID military operation....the stolen election....the J6 Fedsurrection (which Dubya still has nightmares over)....and politicians screaming about how “disinformation” is a threat to democracy (”we need MORE deplatforming!!”)... has no brain

  • Two Republicans Help Democrats Block Protections for Girls’ Sports in Nebraska

    04/09/2024 3:29:34 PM PDT · 16 of 24
    The Fop to Governor Dinwiddie

    There’s no Democrat party and there’s no Republican party.....there’s only the UFWF....Uniparty Fake Wrestling Federation

  • Pence calls Trump’s abortion stance a ‘slap in the face’ to supporters

    04/08/2024 1:24:13 PM PDT · 65 of 139
    The Fop to Fledermaus

    What the Uniparty wanted was for Roe v Wade to be a divisive “Forever Wedge Issue” to go along with their “Forever Wars

    “Islam vs the West” is a Uniparty scam. Western leaders fund jihadis and flood the West with Muslim immigrants to create as much division as possible..... It’s divide and conquer all the way around.

  • “They’re moving to control every aspect of your life”: An Interview with Mark Steyn

    04/05/2024 3:05:50 PM PDT · 9 of 14
    The Fop to Twotone

    If Steyn was as smart as I assumed he was....he wouldn’t have gotten the he has myocarditis....COVID proved 90% of the human race are complete morons....even the so called smart ones